What would be a week well spent for you?

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When Ableforth’s sent me a bottle of their Bathtub Gin it got me pondering the same question.

Ableforth’s are promoting their competition to win ‘A Week Well Spent’ with a whopping £1000 prize to make those plans a reality.

Well, I thought about lots of things, from jumping on the Eurostar and spending a few days in Belgium, to a trip to Torquay to stay in the best B&B in the world, where we went last year. But to be honest the way the weather is right now (too, too hot!) I’d love to just get on a plane to somewhere sunny with a swimming pool, and a nearby bar with beautiful view and air con. To sink a cold G&T, of course!

What would you do with your week well spent? Why not head over to https://ableforths.com/pages/week-well-spent and let Ableforth’s know and who knows, maybe you will be sitting by the pool soon!

Anyway I’m off to make another one of these, cheers!

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