Danny Wallace has become known for his wacky man adventure books, his newie Awkward Situations for Men
is a compilation of his weekly column for Shortlist.com in which he goes about describing in humorous detail those moments in life we have all had, but Danny goes that little bit further than most of us would dare, which of course is the fun of this book. As we follow a year in his life – and it becomes obvious to the attentive reader that here is a man who finds it a challenge to even look after himself properly – an even greater responsibility looms on the horizon…Once you have read this book you will see Awkward Situations everywhere you go and life will never be the same again. And, it’s very, very funny.If you are new to the world of Mr Wallace I can also highly recommend his first book Join Me
where he starts his own cult, contrived? maybFunny and entertaining? hell yes!